As the outdoor area is vital in supporting children’s development. We have put together activity training outdoors for all the Tiptoes Managers, ready to deliver to your little ones this term. We aim to provide confidence, new skills, friendships and have lots of fun along the way.

Our aim at Tiptoes is to provide one of the best environments and now with outdoor canopies built across the sites, nothing can prevent the amount of time and fresh air we can have in our outdoor spaces,  in all weather conditions.

The managers took part in a scavenger hunt, building dens, parachute games and circle games which all strengthened their team work and helps us develop our Ethos with the children. We aim to develop their communication by being confident talkers. Encourage their independence and teach them perseverance to never give up on the task.

The mangers where also able to show us their creative side by creating pictures from the natural environment, they had water play with natural resources as well as herbs to enhance their senses. They painted some rocks of the wildlife, picking their favourite picture card and they also made some great hedgehogs from playdough and sticks.

At Tiptoes the ongoing provision is so important for the children and therefore it is vital that all staff are trained to deliver this provision to a high standard, setting up tuff trays that are exciting and creative for the children to explore. The managers took part in being fire fighters for the morning and where able to take ideas from different tuff trays including bathing the dolls, natural tuff trays with mud play and creating some very large bubbles.

We look forward to the outcomes this will have with the children.