Here at Tiptoes, we obsess over the happiness of the children and babies in our care. This is exactly what you should expect from the type of nursery you send your children to. But it doesn’t stop there. We’re equally concerned that our staff are happy too, because happy staff means happy children, and that means happy parents. That’s what we call a win, win, win situation!

So, with that in mind, we recently asked our staff what they think about working at Tiptoes. The results were heart-warming and better than we could have hoped for. Lots of people praised their colleagues, saying how dedicated and caring they were, and that was fantastic to hear. But certain phrases stood out and really made us proud, like this one from Catherine, who works at our Bridgehead nursery.

She said: “I love working at Tiptoes because we treat each other like a family.”

This was particularly pleasing to hear because it is a sentiment and culture we’ve always tried to foster.

Abby, from our Bishop Burton nursery, said she liked meeting a diverse range of children and parents, and Ellie, also from Bishop Burton, said she really appreciated Tiptoes’ child-centred approach to care, as well as the support she gets from the management team.

Anita, who works as a cook at Bishop Burton, said she loves Tiptoes because it is a happy place to work. “I cook for the children and then cover the girls’ dinner break,” she said. “Getting to interact with the babies and children makes my job worthwhile.”

The whole team at Livingstone Road agreed they love Tiptoes’ homely environment and the fact that the children and childcare are at the heart of everything we do.

Others have found lifelong friendships here at Tiptoes, including Vicky from our Bricknell Avenue nursery, who says: “The girls I work with have become close friends which makes coming to work so lovely.”

Chloe and Sophie from Gorton Road both love working at Tiptoes because of the warm welcome they get and for the many and varied activities we do with the children in our care.

Chloe said: “I like working for Tiptoes because the setting I work in is a lovely place, the staff are always welcoming, and the children are always happy to join in with my messy, creative, fun activities.”

“Tiptoes is a warm and welcoming place,” Sophie adds, “And the girls always pack lots fun activities into the day.”

But in the end, there is one thing that unites us all here at Tiptoes, from new starters right the way up to management. That is those little bundles of joy that are dropped off at our nurseries every morning.

Kirsty from Bricknell Avenue sums it up perfectly. “I just love working with my babies,” she says.

That’s how we all feel, and that is why we have such happy staff here at Tiptoes!