Our fees are reviewed annually every April.
TFC (Tax Free Childcare) can be applied for at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk. We strongly recommend all parents visit this website.
The guidance to our fees below should be read in conjunction with our Terms and Conditions.
If you are using funded hours please download our fees sheet or ask during your show-around, which can be booked here.

Term Time only places are available at some of our settings, on a limited basis. Please ask your nursery manager.
Our invoices are monthly and calculated on an annualised basis so each month is the same. We take the cost per session, multiplied by the number of sessions in a week to get the weekly cost. This is then multiplied by 51 weeks we are open to get an annual amount. This annual amount is divided by 12 to get a monthly amount which is due on the 1st of each month, in advance.
When changing contract mid-month your invoice for that month will be based on the actual number of sessions you attend that month, reverting to annualised invoicing the following month.
You are entering into a contract with us and would need to provide one months notice to end your place and your contract with us. Minimum 2 half days sessions or one full day session.
Nursery Fees – from 1st April 2024
Our fee structure is based on what we need to provide the very best nursery care for your child. We only employ fully qualified nursery nurses, all of whom are first-aid trained. Our staff are the best-rewarded in the area, so are highly motivated and our retention rate is extremely high – all of which results in the best care for your child.
None of our nurseries use value range or economy range ingredients in the food we serve your child. We also regularly buy in new toys, books, activity and learning resources to replace ones that have been well-played with.
We strongly believe that our fees not only provide the best environment for your child, but are also competitive.
Our fees are reviewed annually every April from 2024. Our fee structure from 1st May 2023:
No Government Funded Hours | Full Day Cost |
1 day per week
2 days per week 3 days per week 4 days per week Full time (5 days per wee *1 day per week (Mon only) *2 days per week (inc Mon) 1 session (am or pm) per week |
£57 £53 £56 £54 £54.50 £56.50 £36 |
No Government Funded Hours | Monthly Cost | Cost to parent paying by (Tax Free Childcare) | Cost Per Session |
1 day per week
2 days per week 3 days per week 4 days per week Full time (5 days per wee *1 day per week (Mon only) *2 days per week (inc Mon) 1 session (am or pm) per week |
£485 £727 £952 £1148 £228 £472 £153 |
£388 £581 £761 £918 £183 £377 £122 |
£57.00 £57.00 £56.00 £54.00 £54.50 £56.50 £36.00 |
Cost with Government funded hours.
Costs for Children using funded hours stretched, starting funding in September 2023.
Please ask your nursery manager if starting funding in April 2023 as figures vary slightly due to number of weeks left in the academic year.
With Govt Funded Hours |
Monthly cost with 15 Hours
(9-mth, 2yr, 3-4yr universal) |
Cost to parent paying by TFC | Monthly cost with 30 hours (extended) |
Cost to parent paying by TFC |
1 Day per week
2 Days per week 3 Days per week 4 Days per week 5 Days per week |
£236 £487 £738 £988 |
£188 £390 £590 £790 |
£86 £223 £473 £724 |
£69 £178 £378 £579 |
Other Non-contracted sessions (adhoc on request)
Non-contracted extra session | Using TFC | |
Full day session
Half day session |
£41 |
£33 |
TFC (Tax Free Childcare) can be applied for at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk. We strongly recommend all parents visit this website.
The guidance to our fees below should be read in conjunction with our Terms and Conditions, which are provided upon request.
- A registration fee of £50.00 is required to secure a place for your child and will be deducted from your final month’s invoice. This fee is non-refundable if you decide your child will not take up the place, regardless of whether a start date had been agreed or not. Once you agree your start date 30 day’s notice is required if you wish to change this date.
- If you decide within 7 days of your start date, not to start, then 2 weeks fees rather than one month’s notice will be due to cover staff costs already committed.
- All invoices use the monthly amount. Weekly and Session costs are for information only. Minimum two half day sessions or one full day session.
- Fees include all meals, snacks and drinks, except formula milk. Nappies are not included.
- First invoice (first month’s costs) must be paid in full before your child starts his/her first day.
- Once you have registered with us you will receive 1 free pre-visit taster session.
- When you change the number of days, end your place or start attending mid-month we use only the weekly/daily cost to calculate your part month’s invoice.
- You will be emailed an invoice approx. 1 week before the start of the month. Our fees are calculated so that each month’s contracted fees are the same. Your invoice will only change due to non-contracted sessions or a change in the days attending.
- Fees are due by 1st of the month, if any payment is outstanding after 4th of the month a late payment fee of £25.00 will be applied to your next invoice automatically. You can be temporarily refused entry to the nursery if any fees are outstanding after 7th of the month. If so, this does not imply that your notice period has started and full fees are still due.
- Fees take into account all bank holidays, the nurseries are closed between Xmas and the New Year each year.
- A single 10% discount will be applied once a second and/or third child is attending the nursery. The 10% reduction will be applied to the lowest child’s cost. Sibling discount will not be applied where a sibling is attending only funded hours (see funded notes below).
- There are no reductions or refunds for sickness or holidays.
- If you book a non-contracted session then you must provide 7 days’ notice to change or cancel, otherwise full payment will be invoiced, and we may not be able to accommodate your request.
- The nursery will close at 6pm so please ensure you arrive at least 10 minutes before this to allow sufficient time to discuss your child’s day with staff and collect your things. Charges will be applied for consistent lateness, without notice. The same rule applies to late collection of morning only sessions. Continuous late collection of your child will result in your place being cancelled.
- One calendar months’ notice must be provided to end your contract with us. For children using funded hours, the amount of notice you have to provide to move funding is set by the local authority, not us, seek guidance from your nursery manager. It is usually 4 weeks or the following term.
- A valid email address must be provided to receive all communications.
- Any term time place (38 weeks only), will require fees of 40% paid during holidays (13 weeks), these will be charged over the year to equal 11 invoices Sept to July, no invoice in August.
- We no longer accept payment of nursery fees by CCG (Student Finance). This is due to the way CCG is operated by the government.
Additional Notes for those parents using or seeking to use government funded hours.
- Funded sessions run between 08:00 and 18:00. Children who want to attend from 07:30 will need to sign a contract at £6.50 per day for all days they attend, not single days. This 30-minute period is not covered by government funding as the government rules are no funded session can be longer than 10 hours.
- Morrill St, Holderness Rd nursery funded sessions are 07:45 – 17:45.
- For parents entitled to and seeking to use 15 ‘extended’ hours or 30 hours, an additional service charge of £5.10 for a AM/PM session or £10.20 a day will be applicable. This charge covers everything that Tiptoes offers that is above and beyond the EYFS curriculum, including meals, snacks and other consumable items. This charge will not apply to those using 2yr old funding or 3-4yr old ‘universal’ 15 hour entitlement.
- Sibling discounts, in any form, do not apply if one of the siblings are using funded hours and attends 2 days or 4-part day sessions or less.
- You cannot mix stretched and non-stretched sessions, at all.
- You must notify Tiptoes if you intend to split hours across settings and inform us of the hourly split across both settings. Failure to do so may end up with your funding not being applied to your account, and the full amount requiring payment.
- If you claim more hours than you are eligible for across multiple settings and the local authority place your hours in dispute you will need to rectify the issue within 24 hours and pay any outstanding fees to Tiptoes, this could mean no funding being applied and backdated fees to the start of the term, which you would need to pay within 7 days.
- Failure to sign the required local authority funding forms by the start of each term will result in an invoice being raised for the full amount.
- If you attend only for funded only sessions, then these must be taken in 10-hour blocks. If you wish to take 5 hourly blocks please speak to your Nursery Manager.
- If you attend funded only sessions then Tiptoes can change which sessions (days) you can attend, with notice, to allow the nursery to efficiently allocate capacity in order for it to meet its funded statutory responsibility.
- Any unused hours cannot be used for ad-hoc sessions and no hours can be banked for future use.
- Failure to pay any contracted fees or fees for non-contracted sessions can result in us refusing admittance until brought up to date.
- It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that their 30 hours extended entitlement code is valid and accepted by the local authority and is provided to your nursery manager at least 20 days before the start of any term. Failure to do so, which results in no funding being granted is not Tiptoes responsibility.
- It is the parent’s sole responsibility to ensure their eligibility and renewal of such is completed within the timescales set by the local authority and/or HMRC.
- Parents must ensure that codes are provided to Tiptoes at least 20 days prior to needing validating by the local authority. We accept no responsibility for codes that are provided within 20 days of renewal or the start of the term.